Createyour perfect fit with custom shoe orthotics
At Stretch Affect we always look to bring the best-in-class products to our clients. And we found the perfect partner in Materialise and phits orthotics. For ten years Materialise and phits have been world leaders in combining 3D printing and precise data measurements to create the perfect custom shoe insole for every person and lifestyle.
Materialise uses footscan technology to offer true customization based on your personal data.
Analyzing your gait dynamically with footscan data allows us to identify potential risks that you cannot detect by eye alone.
Identifying peak pressures, zones of risk, and your center of pressure line gives us information to create a one-of-a-kind custom shoe insert made just for you.
One thing that separates us from buying over-the-counter orthotics is our team of physical therapists who will understand your needs, give expert evaluation, and recommendations.
We learn the ins and outs of your body through dynamic gait analysis. You’ll walk and stand on a pressure plate that will gather data on what’s going on beneath your foot while you move.
We analyze any potential issues or concerns and learn which parts of your feet have the most pressure, whether you step with the heel or toe, and if your arches are high or low.
Using your data, we design a custom shoe insert to suit your needs and lifestyle. It will include all the corrections you need and be a perfect fit for your feet.
With the design complete, it’s time for your orthotics to come to life. We send your scan to our partner Materialise who will 3D print your custom shoe inserts in their dedicated facilities.
Unbox and enjoy your pair of custom shoe inserts designed specifically for you!
We learn the ins and outs of your body through dynamic gait analysis. You’ll walk and stand on a pressure plate that will gather data on what’s going on beneath your foot while you move.
We analyze any potential issues or concernsand learn which parts of your feet have the most pressure, whether you stepwith the heel or toe, and if your arches are high or low.
Using your data, we design a custom shoeinsert to suit your needs and lifestyle. It will include all the correctionsyou need and be a perfect fit for your feet.
With the design complete, it’s time foryour orthotics to come to life. We send your scan to our partner Materialisewho will 3D print your custom shoe inserts in their dedicated facilities.
Unbox and enjoy your pair of custom shoeinserts designed specifically for you!
We are excited to offer this service for those looking for custom shoe inserts in the San Diego area.
Reach out to us to schedule your personalized footscan analysis with one of our physical therapists