Specialty Program - Youth

4 reasons why you need practitioner assisted stretching

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expertly reviewd by
Chris Wilke
stretch affect
June 18, 2018

Stretching is a sequence of moves that can be a part of your daily athletic workout or a short routine to suit your busy workday. Stretching is beneficial for both the body and the mind and improves overall health. Practitioner-assisted stretching is a recent trend that has become a  favorite in the world of fitness, even among athletes. With a stretching sequence guided by a professional practitioner, you will realize there are parts of your body that you may have overlooked even though you are a serious runner or dedicated to the gym.

Why You Need Practitioner-Assisted Stretching

1. Neck Rolls

From poor posture to incorrect exercises to stress, there are several causes for muscle pains. The most common pains are found in the neck, back, and shoulders, especially if you spend most of your day at a desk job and in stress. A practitioner-assisted stretching routine includes moves that loosen and relaxes your muscles, relieves you from pain, and strengthens your muscle balance to prevent recurrences.

2. Joint injuries and range of motion

Range of motion is the degree of a joint’s movement when it is stretched, flexed, or rotated. Many factors can limit the range of motion and cause joint injuries including stiffness of muscles and ligaments. Stretching exercises designed and guided by a professional practitioner will strengthen the joints, increase the range of motion and flexibility, and release the stiffness from the muscles that encompass the joints.

3. Stress and Sleep

We have accepted stress as a part of our lives, especially at work. You know your body is giving in to high mental stress when you begin experiencing sudden muscle pains like in the back, shoulders, or neck. Disturbed or lack of sleep is another important indicator of stress and anxiety. You may not be able to evade a stressful work environment but, with the right stretch therapy, you can mitigate stress levels to prevent it from harming your mental and physical health. Stretching boosts endorphins in your brain that improve your productivity and mood, and calms your mind. A relaxed mind and body can sleep well.

4. Improve Athletic Performance

Stretching is known to have a positive impact on productivity and performance and practitioner-assisted stretching is increasingly becoming a part of a personalized training series and fitness regimes for athletes. The practice is especially healing for endurance athletes like swimmers, wrestlers, cyclists, and runners who are vulnerable to muscle imbalances and injuries. A practitioner focuses on one muscle at a time – assessing it and determining how to ease it.

Avoiding the Risks

The common answer to stretching exercises is yoga. But performing them without professional guidance comes with the risk of injuring muscles and joints of the body. Alongside this, there are several differences between stretching vs. yoga that make it important to understand which is best for you. Practitioner-assisted stretching eliminates that risk and provides you with a set of exercises suitable to your body’s present state. Just like gym trainers, stretching practitioners ensure that every muscle and joint of your body is healthy, relaxed, free from pain and stress. The best part is that assisted stretching can also heal joint ailments like arthritis.

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