Specialty Program - Youth

The golf program. halfhearted golfers need not apply.

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expertly reviewd by
Chris Wilke
stretch affect
October 14, 2021

You’re a golfer. You take your swing seriously. You know consistency is key when it comes to this game of inches. Consistency in replicating good habits, not bad ones.

Improvement is all about maximizing performance and minimizing errors. To do so golfers must develop the right motor skills and movement patterns in a process referred to as motor learning to be successful. Still with us? Let’s dive in.

Client Journey –  Steve

The good and the bad news is, once a motor pattern is learned it’s tough to unlearn. The only way to correct a learned motor pattern is by developing a new more dominant one to replace the old. That’s where we come in.

It’s time to reach your full potential. It’s time to optimize your golf swing.

Golfer swinging his driver

Welcome to Stretch Affect’s Pain-Free Performance Program

Golf Stretching Techniques – Stretch Affect

The bottom line is efficient swings create effortless power for both amateurs and pros alike. To achieve an efficient swing sequence, you must have the appropriate mobility, stability, and control in each body segment.

Through a full-body movement evaluation and swing analysis, we’ll determine if you have range of motion limitations, lack of coordination, or muscle weakness and implement strategies for golf swing improvement.

The 12 big swing characteristics, golf warm-up drills, dynamic stretching and breathing, and the elements of efficiency are just a few of the cornerstones of this in depth and elite program experience. Below we break it down into the phases of the program. Timeline wise, think of it as a slow burn. But any program that has you hitting the range on day one isn’t worth the effort it took to load your clubs into your car.

Month One: The Corrective Phase

Preparation for change is key. During this phase, we prime your body to make the necessary changes for a more efficient swing. Mastering the movements in each phase is critical. Because each phase is constructed to build upon the last, success can only be achieved in sequential order, as each phase is more challenging than the one before it.

Golfball on the grass

Month Two: The Implementation Phase

Practice makes a perfect swing. During this phase want you hitting balls and getting used to the adjustments and swing improvements identified in month one, while at the same time building with more intensive exercise, stretching, and recovery techniques.

We also integrate golf-related movements into your exercise program. Or, if you have a very stiff joint/body segment that won’t budge, we implement modifications to your swing to work around your limitations (Your swing coach should be a part of this process).

Stretch Affect – We Can All Use Some Professional Help!

Month Three: The Performance Phase

It’s time to perform. In this phase, you use the swing efficiency improvements to elevate your game.

By this time, you’ll have augmented your physical impairments and integrated your new range of motion in your joints and swing.

We can now focus on applying all that to more advanced golf swing exercises to train for power, precision, speed, and accuracy. Say goodbye to lay-up shots.

To learn more about, or purchase our Pain-Free Performance Golf Program today visit:

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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Stretch Affect

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
