Specialty Program - Youth

3 reasons why stretch therapy is beneficial

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expertly reviewd by
Kyle Valery
stretch affect
April 25, 2018

Whether you are a gym-rat or one who does not exercise regularly, there are several benefits to incorporating stretch therapy into whatever exercise regime in which you engage. As people are hustling about their day attempting to accomplish everything on their agenda, most are not mindful of the toll our daily activities take on the body. We understand how easy it is to overlook taking care of oneself and would like to share three reasons why stretch therapy is beneficial. In addition to relieving stress, increasing muscles and strength, flexibility and mobility and reducing back pain, stretching your muscles will improve your overall health.

1. De-stressor

There is no doubt with the constantly on-the-go mentality we have in today’s society, de-stressing should be an essential focus in one’s everyday routine. The need to stop and relax cannot be overstated when it comes to one’s health. This is one reason to make stretching one of your habits. It relaxes sore muscles such as those in the shoulder area, required for spinal support and proper posture. With relaxed muscles it is easier to de-stress, ridding yourself of the daily pressures and reducing any muscle tension pain in the neck and back.

2. Improve flexibility and mobility

When a muscle is stretched, it is lengthened, this is one of the ways to improve flexibility. This flexibility is vital to maintaining healthy muscles and a full range of motion in one’s joints. Without stretching muscles shorten and become tight which could lead to muscle weakness when needed for activity, joint damage, and potential injury. Flexibility further promotes the increase of essential nutrients and blood supply to the joint structures. It is also necessary that the connective tissue surrounding the muscles be stretched and pliable for muscle growth to occur. Adequately integrated into a weight training program, stretching can speed up your muscle growth and strength. Otherwise, these tissues can constrict muscle expansion, hindering overall flexibility and mobility.

3. Reduce body pain

Body pain usually is an indication that something is not right with your system. If your discomfort is in the lower back area, it could be a result of tight or weakened muscles. Without the correct support from strong, flexible back muscles, the spine and joints cannot correctly sustain one’s movements. Thus, exacerbating the pain. Implementing the habit of stretching every day one could avoid the need for medications in an attempt to resolve the issue. Stretch therapy can extend and relax your muscles and improve your body pain, especially in the lower back.

Getting the Right Stretch Therapy

There are many benefits to incorporating stretch therapy into your daily routine including increased flexibility, mobility, and strength. Also, stretching provides relief from muscle pain and soreness. It is crucial a person takes the time to focus on caring for his or her body. The healthy habits of today can have lifelong beneficial effects. Stretching can help reduce pain and potential risk of injury and improve your overall health. Although not an instant fix, stretching daily and over a period will enhance your flexibility and have you moving in no time.


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