SoftWave therapy has shown great potential in enhancing the uses of stem cells for the recovery of musculoskeletal conditions, neuropathy, and wound healing.
SoftWave, or extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT), is a non-invasive treatment form of physical therapy that delivers electrohydraulic acoustic shock waves to help reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and regenerate tissue. This process activates your body’s natural ability to accelerate healing from injury, musculoskeletal conditions, and chronic pain.
Before we move forward there are some important terms to keep track of:
Stem cells: Cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods and give rise to different types of cells (bone, cartilage, muscle and fat cells, and connective tissue.) They serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells.
Mesenchymal stem cell: a type of adult non-embryonic stem cell that does not carry the risk of developing tumors as the widely used embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do. They possess the same regenerative benefits of stem cells with reduced risk. In restorative medicine, mesenchymal stem cell exosomes are often preferred over the traditionally used embryonic stem cells because they do not carry the potential to form tumors like embryonic stem cells can.
Exosomes: are membrane-enclosed nanovesicles that facilitate the exchange of biological information between different cell types.
These are not stem cells, exosomes are excreted from mesenchymal stem cells.
The biggest character difference between stem cells and exosomes is that stem cells can proliferate and cause undesirable effects such as tumor growth. Exosomes do not proliferate but rather transfer valuable biological signals to the recipient’s tissues and facilitate healing.
A very basic explanation of what stem cells are—cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods and give rise to different types of cells. These cells seek out areas of injury and disease, replace dying cells, and regenerate damaged tissue.
A truly unique feature of stem cells is their ability to differentiate into various cell types.
They transform into whatever type of cell is necessary to repair the damage. If you have a bone issue, they will become bone cells. If you have a nerve issue, they will become nerve cells.
Stem cell therapy is the process of introducing stem cells into areas of the body (tissue, joint, muscle) via injection to treat a problem.
Although stem cell-based therapies hold promise for treatment, there are various technical obstacles to overcome that can ultimately restrict the therapeutic effects of stem cell treatments:
You can get the same benefits of traditional stem cell transplantation without the forementioned challenges through SoftWave therapy ***
The mechanical stimulation from the SoftWave machine promotes the creation of stem cells triggering a host of benefits for various conditions we treat at Stretch Affect including: musculoskeletal conditions, neuropathy, and wound healing.
Osteoarthritis is characterized by the destruction of articular cartilage; however, the regenerative ability of articular cartilage is extremely limited due to its non-vascular nature.
The combination of ESWT and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells can inhibit inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines a joint and improve the damage to the cartilage and bone.
Stem cells flow to the area of bone and coat the area where the cartilage is lost. Over time these cells can develop into new cartilage.
Although most fractures can heal completely, nonunion (fractures that fail to heal) is a common complicating side effect.
Bone reconstruction surgeries rely on the presence of osteoprogenitor cells and their ability to differentiate into bone-forming cells.
ESWT is a potent stimulator of osteoprogenitor cells which increases the quantity of osteoprogenitor cells and their ability to differentiate into bone-forming cells, providing an alternative therapeutic tool for bone healing.
Peripheral neuropathy occurs when nerves (not including in your brain or spinal cord) are damaged and cause weakness, numbness, and pain, usually in the hands and feet.
The peripheral nerve is primarily comprised of axons and Schwann cells. Schwann cells produce myelin, a nerve insulating layer, that allows for faster conduction of electrical impulses, which is essential for proper nerve function.
Schwann cells are required for successful nerve regeneration; however, with neuropathy there is a Schwann cell dysfunction that creates the numbness and pain.
In cases of neuropathy, ESWT has shown the ability to activate Schwann cells, facilitating nerve regeneration and minimizing the negative effects of peripheral neuropathy.
Wound healing
Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood cells—this process helps your body heal from wounds.
When you have a non-healing wound, chances are oxygen is not reaching the spot of injury, delaying healing.
A way to induce angiogenesis is to produce exosomes, as exosomes have shown to be a key factor in mediating cell-to-cell communication to enhance wound healing. SoftWave has been shown to induce exosome release to the benefit of wound healing.
The image below represents macroscopic appearances of cutaneous wounds in a study done on rats treated with untreated, mesenchymal stem cells, or exosomes after 4, 7, and 14 days demonstrating improved healing process with exosomes.
In regenerative medicine the potential uses of stem cells and exosomes are quite powerful. We brought this therapy on board because we see the immediate impact it has on our clients and we want you to experience it too!
The ability to experience the benefits of stem cells is not out of reach. With SoftWave therapy at Stretch Affect you can experience effective healing that is convenient and accessible right here in San Diego. Another great part of coming to us is our team of expert physical therapists will be able to answer your questions and provide additional advice for what ails you.
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