SoftWave therapy delivers non-invasive electrohydraulic acoustic shock waves to help reduce pain, decrease inflammation, and regenerate tissue. This activates your body’s natural ability to accelerate healing from injury, musculoskeletal conditions, and chronic pain.
There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating greater positive outcomes of SoftWave therapy over more commonly known forms of therapy such as surgery, injections, and medications.
SoftWave offers people a safe, non-invasive, and effective means of alleviating pain and restoring function.
To explain how SoftWave came about we have to go back to the 1950s.
The first medical application of shock waves was used for the disintegration of kidney stones (lithotripsy).
In 2004 SoftWave Technical Services began as a research and development company and is a direct descendant of lithotripsy.
Through years of research and several patents the SoftWave device was developed.
So really, SoftWave is the type of machine that delivers the shock wave.
This is an important distinction because not all shock waves are delivered the same.
What makes SoftWave unique is its patented broad-focused applicator that delivers energy to a large area of both superficial and deep tissue initiating the body’s natural healing process. SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technologies is the only company who holds patents for unfocused SoftWave technology. (SoftWave Technical Services is now named SoftWave Tissue Regeneration Technologies)
SoftWaves are exclusively generated with electrohydraulic devices whose unique wave front creates sheering forces at the cellular level causing cell membranes to become permeable. These sheering forces fool the body into thinking that a fresh trauma has occurred and causes the body to initiate natural healing.
Natural healing by:
SoftWave therapy has a unique ability to not just relieve pain, but restore function, and stimulate real tissue repair instead of just masking pain.
The number of sessions you’ll need depends on the type of injury, but standard protocols are from 3 - 5 sessions 1 - 2 weeks apart.
SoftWave therapy is FDA (510k) cleared for multiple conditions.
The 510(k) process is intended for devices that are considered low to moderate risk. It ensures that new devices are safe and effective by comparing them to existing legally marketed devices to determine if the new device is substantially equivalent to the existing device.
FDA 510(k) cleared for:
Although SoftWave therapy is very well-tolerated, a small percentage of patients may experience mild side effects. The most typical reactions are temporary reddening of the skin, some mild discomfort for 24-48 hours, or a small bruise at the treatment site.
These effects are generally temporary, tolerable, and resolved without medical intervention.
Some contraindications are noted by the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment including:
A few things not to do for 24-48 hours after treatment include no ice or cold plunge, no NSAIDS (we want to encourage the short-term inflammation), and avoid overloading the affected area.
There is extensive research performed all over the world on the effectiveness of SoftWave therapy.
These studies demonstrate some of the positive outcomes of SoftWave therapy versus other forms of therapy.
Terminology note: Extracorporeal shock wave (ESWT) is synonymous with SoftWave; ESWT is the more medical terminology for the procedure. Extracorporeal means a procedure is performed completely outside the body, while the stimulating effects occur inside the body.
SoftWave therapy versus steroid injection for plantar fasciitis
Goal: To compare the efficacy of extracorporeal shock waves versus corticosteroids injections on pain, thickness of plantar fascia and foot function in patients with plantar fasciitis.
Results: At three months, extracorporeal shock waves were better than corticosteroids injections in reducing pain and thickness of the plantar fascia and increasing foot function. At six months, extracorporeal shock waves are more effective in reducing pain and increasing foot function.
Conclusion: Extracorporeal shock waves are a safe therapy, presenting more efficacy than corticosteroids injections in improving pain, thickness of plantar fascia and foot function at mid-term.
SoftWave therapy versus steroid injection for tennis elbow
Goal: To compare the short-term effects of extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) versus corticosteroid injection in patients with chronic tennis elbow who failed previous conservative treatment
Success rate:
The success rate in the ESWT group at 3-month follow-up was 89.7% and at 6-month follow-up was 93.1%.
The success rate in the injection group at 3-month follow-up was 89.3% and at 6-month follow-up was 75.0%.
Recurrence rate:
The ESWT group had a 0% recurrence rate, where the patient experienced improvement during the 3-month follow-up followed by reappearance of the symptoms.
The injection group had a 25% recurrence rate, where the patient experienced improvement during the 3-month follow-up followed by reappearance of the symptoms.
Conclusion: the ESWT group had much greater long-lasting effects at the 6 month follow up and zero recurrence after three months compared to 25% recurrence with a steroid injection.
SoftWave therapy combined with standard rehab versus rehab alone: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Goal: whether ESWT combined with standard rehabilitation may improve outcomes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Results: The meta-analyses demonstrated that ESWT combined with rehabilitation may result in better functional status of the knee joint at 12 months and 24 months compared to standard rehabilitation alone.
Interestingly the meta-analysis showed that there was no significant difference found between the ESWT group and the control group at three and six months; however, the ESWT group showed a significantly better outcome at 24 months follow-up.
Conclusion: Those who received ESWT plus rehab had better long-term outcomes.
SoftWave therapy combined with hyaluronic acid injection versus injection alone: rotator cuff
Groups were divided into:
3 hyaluronic acid (HA) injections only
3 injections plus 1 ESWT treatment
3 injections plus 2 ESWT treatments
Results: Both the HA + 1 ESWT and HA + 2 ESWT groups consistently demonstrated superior improvements in muscle power and various aspects of range of motion compared to the HA group.
Conclusion: These findings underscore the potential of combining HA injections with ESWT as an effective strategy for enhancing therapeutic outcomes in patients with rotator cuff lesions without complete tears.
SoftWave therapy versus physical therapy and NSAIDS: low back pain
A 24-yr-old former collegiate softball player presented with 5 months of low back pain from the interspinous ligament.
She underwent a course of physical therapy that improved function but did not improve pain, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs only provided minimal and temporary relief.
Three consecutive ESWT sessions provided 90% improvement in pain and function, and she was able to return to exercise and recreational sports. At more than 6 months after ESWT, she reported no recurrences or functional limitations.
SoftWave therapy vs surgery for metatarsal stress fracture
18 soccer players with fifth metatarsal stress fractures were included. Patients were randomly assigned into 2 groups receiving either surgery with an intramedullary screw (group 1) or high-energy focused extracorporeal shockwave treatment (group 2 performed once a week for 3 weeks.
Results: Extracorporeal shockwave treatment and operative treatment were found to be equally effective at reducing pain, achieving bone healing, and allowing the soccer players to return to play.
Conclusion: This study suggests that ESWT may be a good option for the management of metatarsal stress fractures—helping to avoid known complications of surgery like wound problems, nerve injury, and hardware intolerance.
SoftWave therapy vs conventional wound therapy for acute and chronic soft tissue wounds
Goal: This study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and conventional wound therapy (CWT) for acute and chronic soft tissue wounds. Conventional wound therapy typically includes: controlling infection, optimizing nutrition, debridement, dressing changes, compression.
Sessions: The sessions varied from 1 every 2 weeks to 2 every week from 1 to 8 weeks in duration.
Results: The meta-analysis showed that ESWT statistically significantly increased the healing rate of acute and chronic soft tissue wounds 2.73-fold and improved wound-healing area percentage by 30.45%
ESWT reduced wound-healing time by 3 days for acute soft tissue wounds and 19 days for chronic soft tissue wounds and the risk of wound infection by 53% when compared with CWT alone.
SoftWave therapy is unique in that it not only delivers substantial immediate relief but also encourages long-term healing (weeks to months) without reoccurance. This makes it a fantastic choice for anyone looking to avoid surgery, improve their mobility, lessen their pain, and improve their quality of life.
At Stretch Affect, our team of physical therapists are encouraged by the positive results seen in our clients and we want you to experience it too.
If you are interested in this groundbreaking technology, reach out to to us to get your first SoftWave session scheduled!
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