Specialty Program - Youth

Pulling a muscle - is too much stretching bad?

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expertly reviewd by
Evan Jeffries
stretch affect
November 12, 2018

As the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. This adage holds true for many of life’s pleasures including chocolate or even a vacation. Yes, that may sound crazy. However, it is valuable advice. Delight in the good things but beware, overindulgence may cause you strife or grief in the end. Even when stretching and exercising too much, one can risk injury if not conscious of the body’s limits. Over-stretching may result in pulling a muscle, which is painful and could require significant rest before returning to one’s stretching routine. There are several factors a person should take into consideration before going to the extreme with stretching.

The Differences

To avoid potential injury, such as a pulled muscle, one must note the two types of stretching and their importance. Dynamic stretching requires additional movement and occurs before working out. Conversely, passive stretching happens while the body is stationary.

By taking muscles through a full range of motion, the dynamic form of stretching is considered an ideal method for warming up the body for activity. In addition to improving overall muscle function, warming up with dynamic stretches increases body temperature and prepares your heart and lungs for the physical undertaking. Examples of dynamic stretches include controlled arm swings, legs swings, and torso twists.

The second type of stretching that can help you avoid pulling a muscle is passive stretching. It is performed using some form of assistance which can leverage, your body weight, a stretching device, or another person and is beneficial when used during the cooling down phase after activity. Assisted stretching can be successful in relieving muscle fatigue, spasms, and soreness. Due to its relaxing nature, passive stretches will also reduce core body temperature and heart rate.

pulling a muscle

Potential for Danger

Understanding the differences and how to utilize these two stretching techniques is essential to avoid pulling a muscle or other related injuries. However, there are a few things one must keep in mind when performing these stretches. Stretching of a muscle that has not been warmed up can be unsafe. Gradually increasing the warm-up activity will slowly raise the temperature of the muscle tissue, eliminating the potential for injury. During any stretching routine, one ought to also avoid bouncing, as this could result in a muscle strain or pulling a muscle. Even if the muscles have been properly warmed up, one should be aware of stretching past the point of discomfort. It is an unsafe practice that may have painful consequences.

Benefits of Stretching Classes

When looking for the best means of avoiding injury when stretching, consider practitioner-assisted stretching. A stretching professional will tailor this regimen to help strengthen the joints and increase one’s range of motion and flexibility. The routine will also help relax and reduce muscle pain. Your stretching practitioner will understand what is necessary for your current physical condition and will facilitate the appropriate stretching techniques for optimum exercising performance and your comfort.

No need for you to take the risk of injuring yourself during a stretching routine. Contact us for further information about the benefits of our stretching programs.

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